Why choose our services


College Selection

Our team of expert consultants will help you choose the right college based on your interests, academic performance, and career aspirations.

Application Assistance

We will assist you with the entire college application process, from filling out forms to writing essays and preparing for interviews.

Financial Aid Guidance

Our team will provide you with guidance on various types of financial aid and scholarships available, helping you make informed decisions.

Admission Support

 We will guide you through the entire admission process, from reviewing acceptance letters to making final decisions.

Here's whey they love CollegeSafar!










About Us.

Our's Goals

College Choosing decision, the second biggest decision of anyone’s life should not go wrong. With the most interactive user interface and most validated content, we aspire to be the top education portals and help students in every way in making their decision easier.
As the name speaks, we are a group of people working to connect you to the educational institutions meant you should be. Different colleges can have different procedures for admission. At Admission Guidance, we will stay by your side during the entire process. We will determine your eligibility for admission on the basis of the minimum percentage needed and your profile.


CollegeSafar has been created to fulfil a vision of empowering students with knowledge so that they make a wiser decisions while choosing their career and alma mater.

Do you have any questions?


What is CollegeSafar?

CollegeSafar is an educational consultancy service that assists students in finding the right college or university for them. We provide personalized guidance to students and their families throughout the college search and application process.

How can CollegeSafar help me?

CollegeSafar can help you in many ways, such as:

  • Identifying colleges or universities that fit your academic and personal interests
  • Assisting with the college application process, including essay writing, application review, and interview preparation
  • Providing advice on financial aid and scholarship opportunities
  • Helping you make informed decisions about your college choices

What is the process for working with CollegeSafar?

The process for working with CollegeSafar involves several steps:

    1. Initial consultation: We will have an initial consultation with you to discuss your academic and personal goals, interests, and needs.
    2. College selection: Based on your consultation, we will provide you with a list of colleges or universities that may be a good fit for you.
    3. Application assistance: We will assist you with the college application process, including essay writing, application review, and interview preparation.
    4. Decision making: We will provide you with information and guidance to help you make informed decisions about your college choices.

How much does it cost to work with CollegeSafar?

The cost of working with CollegeSafar varies depending on the services you require. We offer several packages it’s “No Cost Services” . Please contact us for more information on pricing.

How can I get started with CollegeSafar?

To get started with CollegeSafar, please fill out our contact form on our website, and we will get in touch with you to schedule an initial consultation. Alternatively, you can contact us directly via email or phone.


Do you have any questions? Let’s talk!

+91-73050 51242